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polar bear

White on the outside, black on the inside.

-white guy drives past blasting reggae-

"Man that guy's such a polar bear..."

by Stunt Codpiece April 14, 2014

Polar Bear

An all-white California Highway Patrol Car. Reasons why they are called that because of their all-whiteness, white grill, white paint, etc. They are typically used for Commercial Vehicle Enforcement.

"Man I got pulled over by a Polar Bear, my rig was too hot so he stopped me."

by dontusemyrealname. June 3, 2019

Polar Bear

That one overweight white woman that you see desperate black men dating.

"Yo, you see Jakobe's new girl? That one big white girl, she a snow bunny fo' sho"
"Nah bruh, that's a polar bear. 💀"

by Btsabortedchild January 9, 2024

Polar bear

Slang for large muscular Caucasian male with a lot of body hair.

Woah that guys is a polar bear

by Thefinalone September 21, 2020

Polar bear

When a gay man defecates into a condom, and places it in the freezer before repeatedly penetrating his partner with it.

Kyle would you mind if i polar beared you tonight?

by Coldfart January 14, 2021

Polar Bear

Someone who is white and only finds black people attractive. While the original term for this is “snow bunny”, a Polar Bear is a Plus sized person that fits the snow bunny description

Guy 1: Damn bro this girl a baddie but I got no chance she a whole snow bunny

Guy 2: Bro that ain’t a snow bunny she a whole ass Polar Bear fuckisyoutalkinabout

by BlendedNuggets March 10, 2021

Polar Bear

A big fluffy dog that will eat your head off

the game ;MusicMaster1000 was slain by Polar bear

by NoC4p November 17, 2019