Source Code

Caught in 4k

Caught in Ultra HD 4K Deluxe Premium 2160p High Resolution 5280 bits 4096x2160 HDR

Caught in Ultra HD 4K Deluxe Premium 2160p High Resolution 5280 bits 4096x2160 HDR Caught in 4k

by don't care + didn't ask + you' February 23, 2022

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Step Siblings Caught

Who the fuck searches that but no porn here

Last night i got on pornhub and searched step siblings caught.

by AnonymousMan314502 March 8, 2020

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

caught the swine flu

What happens when someone hooks up with an overweight person on a one-night stand.

Aaron: "Did you see that porker Howard just left with?"

Becky: "Yeah, he's caught the swine flu."

by mightytink August 20, 2009

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

caught in the rain

Partaking in random gay sex. Used within the gay community as code, so only other gay people understand. Heterosexuals will simply wonder why the person shows no visible signs of being wet.

"Dude, I was walking home from work, then I got caught in the rain!"

"I was walking through the park... then I got caught in the rain"

by TheRainMan February 6, 2012

5πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

caught white handed

Getting caught jerking it.

He does jerk it, I caught him white handed.

by Dave- June 19, 2005

69πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

caught in the long grass

An Irish saying for being taken by surprise/caught out/an unforeseen event/unpleasant circumstance etc. Many things could lurk in long grass, such as 'shnækes' and other slithery adversaries, to whom one might owe money for instance.

The grass is long, you can't really see what's about you and hence it makes for a prime ambush spot. Visualise strolling through a meadow and all of a sudden being leapt upon by a prowler in the undergrowth. Rarely used in reference to an actual meadow...moreso as a highly amusing colloquialism when rendered in the local accent.

"Seamus owes me €1000, the fecker. Don't ye worry lads, I'll catch'im in the long grass yet!"

"Mick was caught in the long grass by his dealer for late payment"

Waking up with an unknown, unattractive female would count as having caught oneself in the long grass!

by EI6GXB February 2, 2010

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

don't get caught

The number 1 rule, the golden rule, the only rule for stealing.

Friend1: Man, I got service hours for shoplifting.
Friend2: You dumbass, you broke the rule.
Friend1: Which one?
Friend2: Don't get caught.

by kingcobra92 March 11, 2016

19πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž