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An adjective of chew, can mean easy to chew or used by chewing.

Man, this thing is chewy, don't try to bite it.

by Sergei Bogdán Demisovik May 6, 2020


an unknown, irrelevant, unneeded, untalented khia who resides on discord

girl: “omg is that chewy”
girl 2 “she flopped girl ew

by hallesbaileys January 5, 2025


an unknown, irrelevant, unworthy, untalented, lesbian khia

girl: “is that chewy”
girl 2: “she flopped girl ew

by hallesbaileys January 5, 2025


Chewy is an odd kind of an artist that teases his friends and their OCs, by drawing them in horrific-looking drawings that include mostly furries. He never has regrets, nor mercy, to his suffering victims after the painful outcome.

“Hey Chewy drew your character as a female furry!”
Yeah I know, I’m traumatized.”

by SubzeroWasHere July 24, 2021


Xanax, Valium, K-pin or Ativan. Any controlled substances that are a member of the anti anxiety medication family.

Whats'a chewie? Today it's a few yellow Xanax bars.

Why did you pass out while we were eating dinner last night? Apparently i had an appetizer of chewie's.

Hey bro you got any chewie's to get rid of?

I railed a few chewie's to press my Fuck it bottom

by King Flippy Nippz June 29, 2022

Chewie Tryhard

When somebody goes on a mad rampage (often in an FPS) like Chewbacca at the end of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

1: Did you see Dave last night?
2: Yeah, he went full Chewie Tryhard and carried everyone in that CS game. People thought he was hacking!

by cctsn January 29, 2018

Chewy Flicker

A person who think's they are cool .... but they REALLY aren't.

John: Omg, you are such a chewy flicker!
Alex :Cheers duck.

by heyAlexander May 3, 2011