That thing where you jerk off a dozen guys, two at a time; until they’ve all finished, or you dislocate your shoulders-whichever comes first
Life Pro Tip: Be the giver in dirty dozen circle jerks, your arms will always be toned!
When a company's data is in such a mess that it requires accessing numerous systems to derive a result.
That Dealership is trying to pay people through an inverse circle jerk.
(1) When a company makes a change to its structure, platform, or logo to bandwagon political correctness. This is to virtue signal and/or make good their past misdeeds, but realistically it was all for raising revenue through marketing.
While proclaiming their altruism and stroking their egos, the businessmen at the top stroke something else at a corporate circle jerk knowing fully well that dollar bills are about to rain down on them.
Person 1:
Did you know it's June already?
Person 2:
When did you find out?
Person 1:
All the major brands changed their logos.
Person 2:
*sighs* The corporate circle jerk is upon us.
John Alan used this term to refer to Kanye West after he tweeted that women being called bitches in rap is a term of endearment.
MIke: Did you hear Kanye's new album?
Dave: Ya, that recursive-circle-jerk-shit-bag is misogynistic.
When five guys sit with their dicks out around one in the middle the one in the middle has a pocket pussy and places the pocket pussy on their dick and quickly lifts it and turns to the other guy and repeats this gets progressively faster until one cums and he's out this continues until everyone nuts who ever got out first has to drink the all of the cum out of the pocket pussy
I can't believe I lost to Michael last night when we played extreme circle jerk
When a group of gentlemen, whilst floating by innertube or other floatation device, "dock up" by each grabbing the tallywhacker to his immediate right, forming a circle of jerkery.
"This floating circle jerk was conducted by professionals in a controlled environment. Do not attempt at home."
Berkeley kids who think they're the shit and boost their egos by metaphorically jerking each other off. Deep down, they know they're ivy league rejects.
Jim - "Dude I got into Berkeley."
Bob - "Damn we're like so smart."
Everybody else - "stfu with this Berkeley circle jerk."