Connor is a really sweet guy and you will fall Inlove with him once you get to know him. He cares so much abt the ones he loves and he truly makes me smile all the time. He’s the only guy I have really been Inlove with he’s a great boyfriend/ best friend. He will always be there for you no matter what even when he is at his lowest.
Connor: what’s wrong? Tell me? I care abt you so much :) I love you <3
A gender that is neither male or female but but another gender completely.
I sexually identify as a Connor
A guy who thinks he is cool but he really isn't. He is a skinny cunt and has lots of pimples. He likes playing with sticks.
Connors normally sit alone at lunch with no one to talk to Connnors normally are smart but change all of a sudden to being tho opposite Connors normally hav blonde/brown hair whith Green/blue/brown eyes
Who's that gay kid
I dont know probably a connor
A baby back bitch with dirty blonde har and blue eyes. A faggot.
Strong, handsome men are often named Connor. More often than not, those men have unhealthy desires towards animals (namely: dogs)
Girl: wow, look at that guy!
Girl 2: I know, right? He’s a total Connor