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take courage

Man the fuck up!

- Shit, this ledge is way too narrow...
- Take courage, man, don't be a fucking pussy!

by DrVikTroll June 8, 2015

serendipitous courage

The willingness to open yourself up to unexpected connections and trust that they’ll lead to something meaningful.

Serendipitous courage is what led me to talk to strangers when I went solo travelling. I never knew it was so easy to talk to people and let yourself go with the flow.

by Magestic navajo January 5, 2025

Courage Killed the Canine

A Spin on the popular saying "Curiosity killed the cat"

this saying had 3 meanings
but the base meaning is about peoples courage bravery or Confidence getting themself or others hurt

𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝟏: being too courageous can be dangerous to your Health if Done recklessly
𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝟐: when people do brave things unqualified or unable to complete the requirements of the task their trying to complete they end up getting hurt and others hurt with their bravery
𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐒𝐧𝐠 πŸ‘: When people take a risk out of pure courage and confidence they won't get hurt and ending up getting hurt

He got hurt because he ran straight into the fire

ya know Courage Killed the Canine

by LexxDef February 14, 2022


people should have the courage to stand up for their belief

I have to admit her courage in the fashion business

by shrouq April 13, 2021


There's lots of definitions.

First female pygmy boss commander- I'm going to show you ladies the definition of courage. Young man, climb this tree and extract some honey for me, I need some money.

First pygmy guy salutes her and says yes boss, then climbs the tree and bring her back some honey, then she tells the other female boss commanders that is the definition of courage.

Second female boss commander- I want you to do exactly what he just did, but before you start climbing I want you to do 50 push ups and I want you to do 50 jumping jacks on the top branch before you bring the honeycomb down.

Second pygmy guy does exactly what she says and brings the honeycomb back covered in bee stings, and the other female pygmy boss commanders say that was impressive.

Third female boss commander- I want you to climb the tree to the top, extract the honey, do a backflip from the top branch to a lower branch, then swing from vines down to the bottom and don't take too long.

Third pygmy guy saltues her and says yes boss, brings back the honey and the female boss commanders say that was unbelievable.

Fourth pgymy boss commander- I want you to climb the tree, extract the honey, then jump from branch to branch until you get to the bottom while you bang these cymbals together.

Fourth pygmy guy says No, I'm not doing it and the female boss commander says that is the definition of courage while the others are left speechless.

by The Original Agahnim November 15, 2021


The ability to do something, no matter how scary it may seem.

Courage cannot erase our fear. Courage is when we face our fear. ~Davey

by Tachyon221b May 30, 2018


Courage is a name normally given to boys.The name Courage comes from a name for a brave or stout-hearted person. Courage is brave in the face of physical pain , hardships, even death threats. Courage is a very relaxed cool guy. He always puts his loved ones first. Courage is very good with the girls although sometimes he is shy he is really an easy guy to get along with. Courage's are sometimes dishonest in their relationships. Courage easily falls in love easily with girls. Don't lie to a Courage, because you are the one who will get hurt in the end

Courage is very brave and he does things that frightens one .

by Unknown 221 November 24, 2021