Group of super-coolpeople who change their identities on a whim, one day they might be goth and the next they might be prep, it just depends. They're smart,sassy, fun and interesting, and enjoy weird sports like croquet. An Out-Crowder is usually dressed weirdly and ready to have a conversation with anyone about anything. They like card games and cheat most of the time. They love nearly every type of music, and often confuse the hell out of normal i.e square people.
Normal person 1: No waaay, I just saw that goth yesterday,a and now he's emo!
Normal person 2 "No, no, they were prep last week...what?!"
Out-Crowd "Will ya stop staring, wer'e playing strip crazy-eights here, unless you want in,"
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Anti-diarrheal medication
Ever farted and it stinks? Well that's a fart "passing through a crowd" (crowd=shit). So, "crowd control" is Imodium.
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Tough crowd:
What the cannibal said when he went to an all you can eat buffet.
"Damn, I tried and arm and a leg and could hardly chew them.
Tough crowd."
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hitting losers in the face who stand around kids that dance. smashing noses and punching into a crowd of insignificant faces just for a good laugh
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1) When at a hardcore/metalcore show someone hardcore dances along the the boarder of the mosh pit with the intent of hitting the crowd. Crowd killers apparently believe that it is not hardcore to not participate in dancing when at hardcore shows. Ironically crowd killer toughness is questionable (it would be socially unnacceptable for a member of the crowd who hasn't been hardcore dancing to begin throwing kicks, punches, ect. in defense when approached by crowd killers) as they frequently hit unsuspecting crowd members who (if aware of the strike) in the context of one on one (in some cases) could stand their ground and drop that sucka. Crowd killers (as they can be called?) often target who they plan to hit and typically go after "emo kids" and/or "scene kids".
2) When a pseudo tough-guy with an ego complex punches a member of the crowd in the face (often as a sucka-punch)because it makes him feel like a man.
Billy: During the call for blood breakdown that jock hit that unsuspecting hardcore kid so hard I could hear the pop over the intensely loud chugga chuggas.
Suzie: Sweet crowd kill?
Billy: Yah. Johnny weightlifter wasn't fucking around.
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A game that you play in a crowded place. The object of the game to casually walk through the crowd and grab as many female asses as possible. The prize is the sense of gratification after the "hunt".
**Tips: No need to be in a rush, running will draw attention.
Walk with a buddy so if the prey finds out that you touched them, your friend can take the blame.
Never look back to see if they noticed, then they'll know that you did it.
Be a ninja, blend in with the crowd, the prey is most distracted when talking with other prey.
Best places to "hunt" are hallways, after school when everyone is leaving their classes, the local park, etc.**
Good Luck!
Robert: "Hey man do you want to go busy crowding with me?"
John: "Yeah, after our great success yesterday, I can't wait to get more ass!"
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An anime series where superheroes in flashy colorful armor are fighting the evil forces of the Internet trolls.
I watched Gatchaman Crowds solely for the cute trap.
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