Kristen DiMercurio
Kristen DiMercurio is the person who does The bluetooth device is ready to pair The bluetooth device is connected uh sucsesfully FM Tender Line in Line out Eye dunno the rest butt you get it
a cell phone, something most teenagers have and use on a daily basis.
Guy 1 "I lost my cellulaire device! Can you call it for me?"
Guy 2 "yeah sure."
A medical technology designed to support or replace the function of a damaged or failing liver.
bioartificial liver device, the reason to not be an alcoholic.
Something, usually low/medium quality bread, that you eat only because you can put butter on it.
No, use the other bread for the sandwiches. This bread is just a butter delivery device.
A vape where you can get a buzz by nicotine
Anybody got a doming device?
A blanket given to homeless people allowing them to masturbate in public places
did you see that hobo going at it under his masturbatory cloaking device?