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Drain Gang


John: "You part of drain gang or nah?"
Ella: "The fuck is drain gang?"

by h4zehateslife August 25, 2022

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The act of urinating into a girl's anus, usually after giving vaginal/anal sex.

"So, I was in pee limbo after we came, right? So I just went ahead and pulled a Drain-O on her. Problem solved!"

by ThankYouBasedGod July 17, 2012

21πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

drain the monster

A term referring to the act of masturbating.

"Dammit! I forgot to drain the monster this morning!"
"Shut up, man, there're women here!"

by GoodEnoughForAce September 3, 2011

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Drain-pipes are these super straigt jeans that are normally tight and DON'T flare at the bottom. the best ones are dark colours. Drain-pipes are usually quite dear (well from where I am theyre very expensive!) these pants are NOT essential for emo's.

emo-boy 1: wow! check that emo kid!
emo-boy 2: what?
emo-boy 1: I wonder if he can breathe in those...
emo-boy 2: oohh, the Drain-pipes? probably not.

by Hannah Birchall September 22, 2006

8πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

drain the swamp

A phrase used by political hacks to rally voters to their cause by promising to remove their respective governments of corrupt sycophants and replace them with corrupt sycophants that donated to their own political campaign. Typically results in a swampier swamp.

"Did you hear Trump is going to drain the swamp?"
"I doubt it."

by Urban Odin January 17, 2017

112πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž

drain gang

a collective consisting of bladee, ecco2k, and thaiboy digital that closeted incels would take a bullet for.

- Matt keeps shouting β€œDRAIN GANGGG”, what the fuck does that even mean??
- run. literally just run.

by nothingleftnothingleft May 16, 2020

271πŸ‘ 338πŸ‘Ž

circle the drain

"A service economy that doesn't produce anything will circle the drain until it has spent all of it's savings (wealth)."

A productive economy produces wealth because they have something to sell that the rest of the world wants. When a country no longer produces anything, and simply spends money feeding one-another at fast food places, buying foriegn oil and toys, they are only spending savings until it's all gone and the economy will circle the drain. Spending money on bullets doesn't help either, but mostly a failing economy can be characterized by asking if any money is flowing into the country. If the answer is no, down we go.

by J. D. Short November 3, 2007

23πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž