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brainless sheep drone

Some poor fool who thinks the only way to become cool is to seek out something/someone remotely cool (usually lame or tasteless, though)and imitate it/them, be it dressing in piece of crap clothes, listening to some rapper who probably dropped out of high school or corny country singer, speaking in idiotic slang. Their efforts are usually futile and they end up being lamer than ever.

If you want to see brainless sheep drones in their natural habitat, go to TTHS. I guarantee you'll see at least 3 before you've been there one hour, or I'll personally pay for you to find a school with even more of them!

by Shawn B. April 15, 2003

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ragebait Meme Drone

A person that is addicted to feeling self-righteous rage stemming from a victim mindset. The have little to no understanding of the issues they champion beyond what they read in memes from the social media influencers they follow. They share these angry memes like mindless drones and identify with them, even if its for causes that would harm them personally, because they get a dopamine hit from being part of a wider social movement and fear being ostracized for thinking for themselves.

Ragebait Meme Drone: "Go Hamas!! Free Palestine from the River to the Sea! Stop Genocide!"
Person 2: "Aren't you LGBT? A feminist? Me too?"
Ragebait Meme Drone: "Yes! So?!"
Person 2: "You're literally supporting an organization that kills LGBT, subjugates women and whose whole purpose is genocide."
Ragebait Meme Drone: "How dare you talk about Hamas like that!? BLM told me to love them and go on dates with them!"

by BlueTangerine October 22, 2023

10๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

murder drones r34

murder drones but robots have tits and fat butt

person 1: have you seen murder drones r34
person 2: wtf there robots bro
person 3: kinda hot ngl

by scenterodoutmanlols September 1, 2023

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Sim-drone Syndrome

Originated from the addiction to the game The Sims.

Where one acts as though they are a Sim in the game and/or plays the game for excessive hours without realizing.

Jo: Fuck! I've been playing the Sims for 3 hours! I didn't even notice!
Audrian: You have Sim-drone Syndrome.

by thirteen07 April 20, 2009

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Drone Strike President

Barack Hussein Osama, that one president who liked killing Yemeni civilians and somehow got away with it.

Ah, more Middle Easterns blown up. The Drone Strike President must be at it again!

by Telesgis November 5, 2023

White Drone Strike

A sexual position where a male c*ms on any part of the parters body, while being suspended in mid-air by one or several drones

The military uses white drone strikes to assert dominance

by VanDale vol. 2 May 16, 2019

Office-drone Speedball

Similar in concept to the Speedball drug cocktail, except using only legal drugs, in this case the depressant qualities of alcohol and stimulant effects of caffeine in place of heroin and cocaine.

This covers everything from Irish Coffee to neat vodka with a 5 hour energy chaser, anything that will leave you with all the energy of a sober person and none of the decision making capacity.

Friend: How are you able to keep working on that paper? You're wasted!

Me: Office-drone Speedball baby, try it some time!

by Mike What January 25, 2020