Fake friends you never want to have but end up having. Fake friends always stick to you like magnets it seems like. Fake friends are as fake as 6th grade relationships and Jake Paul’s subscribers.! If you have fake friends you’ll no one day, they might or no sorry the WILL end up hurting you trust me ik from experience. So kids don’t do drugs or be a fake friend. Fake friends are more fake than James Charles foundation match.
Fake friends talk behind your back.
Fake friends you never want to have but end up having. Fake friends always stick to you like magnets it seems like. Fake friends are as fake as 6th grade relationships and Jake Paul’s subscribers.! If you have fake friends you’ll no one day, they might or no sorry the WILL end up hurting you trust me ik from experience. So kids don’t do drugs or be a fake friend. Fake friends are more fake than James Charles foundation match.
Fake friends talk behind your back.
Someone’s like Takeshi Rikimaru, or talk like him , act like him .
When a friend invites you to play golf and you change your whole week around to be able to play golf with him and then he calls you to un-invite you.
Ryan used to be a good friend but now he is only a Fake Friend
another word from the thot terminology; usually used when angry or triggered at a friend, most of the time you’re overreacting about something petty.
“ omg edward smelled my crush’s fart! he’s such a fake friend! “