A person who plays a lot of video games. More specifically, Fortnite. He might be annoying sometimes but overall he's pretty chill.
Person 1: Yo, look at that kid.
Person 2: Yeah, he's such a Faze Ryze.
A nigga who will ask you for homework 24/7 and will not help you in anything specific in life. They play video games 24/7 and do not hop off Fortnite.
Person 1: Yo, is Faze Ryze online.
Person 2: He's always online u nigga in every game all at once.
Guy1. Yo bro i just got a girlfriend
Guy2: Nahh bro you faze rugging me!
Faking, Clickbaiting, or lying
Morgz got exposed for Faze Rugging his fans.
FaZe Swagger, also known as FaZe Swagger880, also known as Flynn. Is a person who appears in Codyy's YouTube videos. He doesn't have any social media. But he is a really good character in Codyy's Minecraft SMP/Server's storyline.
Codyy's friend Flynn has a minecraft account called FaZe Swagger
gay little fortnut player who loves jack and is gay in everyway possible nobody likes him and he is extremely stupidly retarded and needs glasses (4 eyes mofucka(
the xd FaZe Dannyboy is so gay