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The advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. Yes, the EQUALITY OF THE SEXES. The right to speak in public, the right to vote, the right to own property, the right to work, the right to choose to have children, the right to drive, to fly, to participate in national sports, the right to serve in the armed forces, the right to an education, to becomes doctors, lawyers, astronauts. These are some of the rights feminism has provided for the women of today, rights we can take for granted.

Feminism does not give women rights over men. I repeat, feminism does NOT give rights over men. The social idealism of feminism can, however, be misused by certain individuals for the bashing of men and the scapegoating of women. Rape is not okay for anyone to experience, thus anti-rape laws. Physical and emotional abuse is not ok for anyone to experience, thus anti-domesic abuse laws. Discrimination is not ok for anyone to experience, this anti-discrimination laws.

I look at humanity through the eyes of feminism, we’re all equally in need of love and respect.

by educated_babe May 1, 2018

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the most commonly found form of cancer

Feminism aims for 'equality'.

by did.i.trigger.you February 23, 2017

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A concept lobbied by non essential industry to make woman, particularly dumb bitches, work their ass off producing disposable items that shouldn't exist/unnecessary customer service related work that could be automated while hating men. This ultimately leads the woman to work like mules, never get married, never have children, die pennyless in one bedroom apartments profited by the non essential industrial millionaires, and never buy a house.

Feminism is a socially engineered construct to promote participation in non essential industry; economically permissible by the federal government on the basis that it promotes a decline in the birthrate, effective first world population control.

by Dixie's finest March 30, 2020

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The ideology that women are above men, and are superior to them. In a shorter definition, Feminism is Cancer.

Feminism is a totally useless group of idiots that believe they are "oppressed" by men

by StopFeminism February 11, 2017

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(2) retarded

Feminism is feminism

by Jigger27 March 22, 2017

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Feminism was originally created to make women equal to men in the USA. Given the right to vote, equal pay, ect.

Now, currently in 2017, it is used to make ALL genders, colors, races equal in the US. Many people think feminists are "man-haters", "hippies", or are all lesbians. This, is just not true. Feminists are mostly women, but also MANY men as well. Feminism has a lot of haters, mostly men, because they believe we try to tear them down to lift ourselves up, which is exactly the opposite of what we do.

Feminism has MANY trollers who pretend to be feminist and say terrible things, trying to give us a bad reputation when it's simply not the case. We believe in equality for all, not women over men in any way, shape, or form.

We are still around because we need to be. Non-binary, lgbtq+, and poc people are treated as less because they are not straight cis white males, which are still all too privileged compared to the rest of us.

"Feminism is all about equality"

"but isn't it about women being better than men?"
"absolutely not."

by Finley Ann November 9, 2017

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The most crippling mental disorder in history. Feminists claim to be in support of equal rights for both sexes, but this was never, is not, and never will be true. If a man/woman so dares as to say that women have more rights than men (which they do, it's been proven several times), or even disagree with feminism in the slightest form, feminists will dog pile them until every bone in their body is broken. Feminists have been known to:

Hate men
Hate women
Believe in female supremacy
Be extremely hypocritical
Be relatable to Nazism
Censor free speech
Fry more brain cells than Donald Trump

Don't ever take feminists seriously, otherwise they might infect you too.

See also: femtard, feminazi, antifeminist

Feminism is the epitome of mental retardation.

by Antihater January 18, 2016

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