A small Nordic people that reside in pubic area of infested humans. Signs of Crotch Gnomes include small log cabins, or burrows in the skin of the pubic area. Initial symptoms may include small smoldering fires, slow burning sensations, and hat crafting.
Infestations of Crotch Gnomes are easily spotted by their tall pointy red hats. Not to worry though, while crotch gnomes may be irritating - have short stubby legs, and do not move very fast, making them easier to exterminate. Be sure to stay away from any small animals like Rabbits or Foxes, crotch gnomes are drawn to them.
Crotch gnomes maybe spread in the following ways:
Direct pubis to pubis contact
Excessive amounts of time spent in Nordic Countries
Hat making classes
Playing with foxes or rabbits
"I was hearing a lot of sawing and hammering noises last night in my sleep" "Have you checked your pubes? sounds like you have crotch gnomes"
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An term used in extreme annoyance and fury to an individual exhibiting the characteristics of an obnoxious asshole, while being extremely unattractive, almost troll-like. A term first used in the early 60's to exemplify individuals who engaged in unprotected sex with many partners while being unable to afford devices for hair-removal. Over the years the term has varied in accordance with each generatonal use. From the late 70's to the mid 90's the term was once again changed to describe an extremely unattractive male actor in pornography, coined by comedian Pablo Garcia in his usual stand-up routine.
"Baby shut the fuck up, you fuckin Fuck Gnome, Damn!!!"
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To ring someone's doorbell then run on their front lawn and make a funny face and/or position when they answer the door. Hold that position until they go back inside, even if they yell at you.
Dude! Let's go play Lawn Gnome!
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A word created by crude corner. To film yourself having sex with lawn statues.
I made a gnome porn while Gary Holden onto the camera.
The Gnome Army (Noun): A group of Emancipated Gnomes united together to stop oppression and fight the Worldwide Garden Rebellion.
The Gnome Army originates in Costa Mesa, California and now has Branch Headquarters across the US, Canada and Australia.
For further information, visit www.TheGnomeArmy.com
"Martha, our gnome is no longer in the garden - he has left to join The Gnome Army!"
A Chromosome Gnome refers to a man or woman with small stature that either has down syndrome or shows similar mannerisms to someone on the autism spectrum.
Look at that chromosome gnome over there doing 2+2 on his calculator
An alternate phrase for Eskimo kisses or kunik.
A gnome kiss, nose kiss, or nose rub, is the act of pressing the tip of one's nose against another's nose, usually interpreted as a friendly greeting or affectionate gesture.
I gave him gnome kisses