Tagged him is to take someone out or cross someone out this word is normally used in Fortnite most people say it in champions league to let their teammates immidiately know that you have killed or knocked the opponoment.
Player2 "Tagged him"
To anally penetrate another man
Ah yesterday Tom Beefed him!
To "go" someone is to "go after them," which may take the form of violently rushing or mugging them. Therefore, to "go him" would be to attack/mug him.
The term is common in the Ottawa area of Canada, and is particularly prevalent among the Quebecois French-speaking population.
If a guy is walking through Mechanicsville at night, someone nefarious might try to go him. It's best to be in constant contact with someone by phone, preferably a cute gymnast who can come to your rescue.
The best biscuit shop in the universe.
No one can ever beat Him Heang being the best biscuit shop.
it means grow the fuck up cunts
ethan said he got a root. All the lads ukkk him!
Coined by a popular dancehall song of the same name about lighting your boyfriend on fire after he cheats on you or abuses you.
Can be used in any situation to express dislike in a person, place or thing.
Derived from the patois word bun which means to literally light something on fire.
Gyal 1: Mi man be cheatin, weh mi muss do gyal????
Gyal 2: BUN HIM!!!!!!!
Mike: Man.. my mom won't let me go to the jam tonight..
John: Ah fuck that, bun her!!
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