Source Code

phone bill

what the telephone company charges you for making telephone calls

Last night I fell asleep during sex and woke up two hours later with a $700 phone bill.

by yorrick hunt January 24, 2008

268๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

Trap Phone

a phone for when your parents take away your actual phone. this is usually an older phone that your parents forgot that you had and you cannot call or text becuase it is out of service. you can pretty much only use it when there is wifi, but nowadays people use that more than calling or texting.

"aw man i heard your mom took your phone"
"yeah, but i got a trap phone so its cool"

by Truthful butch December 4, 2016

461๐Ÿ‘ 113๐Ÿ‘Ž

cell phone

A device for communicating with others needlessly. Day in. Day out. Whenever. Wherever. Good for holding up lines in stores, traffic, etc. Also the latest technology found in ghettos-overtaking the more common "boom box".

Typical cell phone conversation: Hey, where you at? I'm over here. Oh. What? I dunno. I'll be there in 5 seconds....oh wait I can see you! Hey! Whats up? Wait...let me call you back. Why? Huh? Can you here me? Guess what? My phone bill was only $90 this month. Etc.....

by Hooper January 24, 2004

1276๐Ÿ‘ 350๐Ÿ‘Ž

phone etiquette

Responding to text messages and phone calls in a reasonable manner.

It annoys Noor when people don't have proper phone etiquette.

by joejoejoejoetorious March 24, 2008

38๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

whore phone

A cheap phone that you only give the number to whores, so that they don't bother you on your regular phone.

Hey, that looks like a candidate for my whore phone!

by Kate the Great 127 December 2, 2008

Phone Jab

A jab with a phone

Hi Penny
Hey Dave
You okay?
Yeah, you?

by DaveEggo January 24, 2012

community phone

a lame excuse for talking to numerous girls via text...: one person owns a "nice phone" and his friends use it to txt their girlfriends

Marahh: Jason why are u txting so many girls on your phone

Jason: its a community phone my friends share it with me

Marah: yea i bet....

by evades muy sexyy 6969 June 21, 2010