Likening the events or impending doom of a day to that of having an itchy butthole which is the uneasy feeling or "itchy feeling" a person may experience during post-defecation that occurs around the posterior aperture of the alimentary canal also known as your butthole. An itchy butthole day occurs when post awakening, things start going terribly wrong and make you feel like you have an actual flaming asshole, but in actuality, the world is just fucking you in the ass causing a similar, searing sensation in your soul.
I got up late and the kids missed the bus, I spilled my coffee when I got out of my car at work and once I got there I got verbally donkey punched by my boss and I could just tell it was going to be an Itchy Butthole Day.
When ya balls is all itchy and/or chaffing.
Come over here and scratch my itchy man bits.
My itchy man bits are so sore.
when you don’t wipe right the first time so now you’re stuck walking around with a dirty itchy butt which can now lead to smelly fingers & an itchy ass .
I was in such a hurry wiping earlier now I have a dirty itchy butt .
Make sure you wipe right because you don’t want a dirty itchy butt .
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When you want to let someone know that you think they are full of shit; or they are wrong and/ or lying
Person 1: “My girlfriends a model. My mom loves her! She’s so sweet & beautiful!
Person 2: “No way! When has your mom met her? When have you met her? you always talk about her but none of us have ever met her. You haven’t even met her! We’ve all only seen the same picture again & again.
Person 1: “no, we met um, ah, last month’” “ she’s just always out of state since, you know, she’s a model”
Person 2: haha dude, no way! Quit lying! Your ass is itchy!
Itchy penis disease is a severe thing that happens whenever you dip your ding a ling in melted chocolate and then put it in a Bootyhole that has been coated extra thick with peanutbutter. Then the girl eats the peanutbutter and chocolate off of you.
I totally got itchy penis disease last night.
the sweaty, itchy, cheesy feeling between your ass cheeks which usually occurs from sweating or not wiping your ass good enough. In other words, give it a second wipe.
About 5 mins after taking a dump I started to obtain itchy ass syndrome.
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The feeling you get after you get a haircut, and the small hairs fall down into your shirt and cause major itching. Cured only by a hot shower.
Guy #1: Having fun scratching yourself over there?
Guy #2: Sorry dude I just got a haircut, it's Itchy Shirt Syndrome
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