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Career Jacker

A person who steals all your hardwork and claims all the credit aka boss aka coworker aka bastard

"Good job team", says the career jacker. Now blank's name aka person who's career is being jacked can you also add our names to the credit. #tellyourbosstokickrocks

by The Original Blaqadomas April 27, 2018

Habitual Dick Jacker

A man who jacks his dick habitually.....

I haven’t had sex in a week... I feel like I’m a habitual dick Jacker.

by ***bacon*** May 18, 2018

peep jacker

One who creeps around or sits in sight of another to get a free shot for their sexual pleasure.

That peep jacker just looked down my shirt.

by #1BAM March 19, 2021

Cock jacker

One (male) who in conversation with a fellow, workmate etc is inclined to grab the other guy's crotch suddenly and without warning. The object is ostensibly to put the victim ill at ease and in a state of embarrassment. However, one wonders if it's simply an excuse to grab other mens' genitals.

Tony: I hate talking to Mike. I'm in the middle of a sentence and he just grabs my dick every time
Stan: yup, he's a cock jacker to be sure

by Iggle Piggle's alcoholic broth June 3, 2020

flipper jacker

a jackwagon

Bob:did you see me at the party

Joe Your such a flipper jacker

by baseball13 November 23, 2011

flacka jacker

those who become chronic public masturbators when flacked out

oh look there its old joe the flacka jacker cranking one out in his front window again

by M I sofakingweetodded January 7, 2021

Oven Jackers

Is when there are so many people who would rather eat out, then eat at there house. It appears the community members have no oven at home.

Damn the Taco He'll has been so busy today. Damn can people not go home and make there own tacos? (person 2)I guess the "Oven Jackers" came through this town again.

by Ds89 December 20, 2010