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Leaning Against Wall Laughing.

Alex: What do you call a cupboard full of lesbians ?
Jill: I don't know what ?
Alex: A Liquor cabinet
Jill: LAWL!

by alicekilledwonderland June 8, 2010


Laughing a working lung

I saw the video and I lawl'd

by Anominnous April 26, 2010


(n.) Stemed from the text acronym "Lol", to lawl is to laugh aloud. It can be used as "ha" or as a discription. Pronounced "loll" like "roll" as opposed to "lool" like "pool" or "lol" like the beginning of "lollipop". Slang.

She lawled after watching the movie bloopers.

"Oh my gosh, lawl! This is hilarious."

by MegaMorpher February 19, 2010


You are really having the time of your life. Whatever that is happening is super funny.

"LawL! You are so funny!"

by DM1013 April 21, 2021


A parody series of Smash Bros startedout by Youtuber Chincherrinas in December of 2004, and has been expanded upon by many users after him.

Such spin-offs include: Lawl Nova, Lawl Liquid Crystal, and Lawl Aureus

I need ideas for a Lawl moveset!

by ArcticTorchic February 14, 2022


The Pronunciation of the word "Lol" which means Laughing out loud

Jake: sends meme
You: lawl

by ~Alpha~ June 18, 2018


1) A longer version of the common term, lol (laugh out loud).
2) A shortened form of "laughing at women loudly" or "laugh at women loudly".

- Puppies are cute.
- lawl

by JonAP October 26, 2010