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collab level

collab level

collab level

by daddybunkins April 7, 2022

17πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Level Fabian

Being so undescribably stupid that no words (apart from level fabian) can describe one

Person a:β€œHe is so dumb!β€œ
Person b:β€œYeah dude, he is definetely level Fabian

by BigBatd December 19, 2022

Tech Level

Tier levels of modifications which can be installed on a vehicle, or price of equipment to make it function at an above stock level capacity.

This exhaust system is tech level 2, and it costs $2500. If you want something cheaper look towards tech level 0.5 or 1.

by Bholdr July 16, 2020

Boss level

A level containing a hard enemy to defeat (also known as a boss)

I'm having a hard time beating the boss level. . .

by Piie9 May 8, 2021

neki level

basically when someone says some next level shit that doesn't sound believable

kill : "im actually good at csgo ngl
9K :" you on some neki level shit my guy πŸ’€"
kayko : frrrrrr

by The9KChannel December 20, 2020

Spirit leveling

When you fart and a bubble feels like it moving up and down your are crack

I just farted and now it's spirit leveling

by Stan Stanley stanforth May 3, 2019

level 9000

The ultimate, the untouchable, the badassery of badassness.

Johnny though he could hang, but noobs have no place being around level 9000.

by scurvyervie April 7, 2016