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The most butchered and corrupt word in the English language.

Originally meant somebody who believes in individual liberty and personal sovereignty, now means the complete opposite. Modern "liberalism" is an authoritarian collectivist ideology that is much closer to fascism and Communism than classical liberalism, with modern liberals believing that big government is the solution to every problem.

The funny part is the actual reason behind the corruption of this word, which was conservatives calling statist-socialists "too liberal" for supporting things like the legalization of homosexuality, the separation of church and state and soft drug laws.

Modern liberal: I support freedom of speech for everyone but extremists and haters.
Classical liberal: Everyone should have freedom of speech no matter how far their views stretch from the norm, after all it is those for whom freedom of speech exists to protect.

Modern liberal: People shouldn't be allowed to own guns because they're dangerous.
Classical liberal: When guns are criminalized, only criminals have guns. Everyone should have the right to defend themself and their property from criminals and tyrannical governments with a firearm.

Modern liberal: Marijuana should be decriminalized, taxed and regulated by the government.
Classical liberal: All drugs should be completely legalized to be grown and traded by whoever wants to grow and trade them. What somebody grows, trades or smokes is up to them, not the government.

Modern liberal: A high income tax is a necessity.
Classical liberal: Income tax is theft by thugs with guns.

Modern liberal: The government should be there to make sure people don't make bad decisions.
Classical liberal: People should take more personal responsibility for themselves.

by I wish I had a wittier name March 2, 2009

120๐Ÿ‘ 169๐Ÿ‘Ž


crazy ass people who are EXTREMELY anti-free-speech

Liberals feel it is their right and their job to totally judge anyone based solely on what they say,even if it's just hot air with no basis and the person saying it has no violent or criminal record.Yet at the same time liberals want to let murderers and child molesters/child rapist/killers go free over and over again so that they can rape and kill more and more kids.

Careful what you say...the liberals are listening...they may molester you...

by liberals are anti-freedom and pro-asshole(for example "CHILD MOLESTERS") April 25, 2005

161๐Ÿ‘ 234๐Ÿ‘Ž


Verb meaning to invade a country in order to steal its natural resources and then to shoot all the locals.

Corruption of an earlier word meaning "to free" (the kind of word statist wankers are unlikely ever to understand because they're too busy getting secret gay hard-ons from each other's uniforms and macho crap talk even while going round trying to ban gay marriage and be total homophobes because they won't admit to themselves that being right-wing is just a way to get turn-ons).

"We had to destroy the village in order to save it" (US marine commander in Vietnam)

by troops out of iraq April 21, 2004

35๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


-insane fascists who claim to have all the answers and therefore a complete monopoly on all knowledge and therefore on the entire universe and therefore no matter what you say you are wrong

-people who have declared themselves "always right" and therefore anybody who dares to disagree with them as "always wrong"

-freaks who crave power sooo much that they take an "we're always right and you're always wrong no matter what you say" position,thus negating all debate (see dictators )

To argue with a liberal is futile.

^Just like "the BORG" on Star Trek who's motto is "RESISTANCE IS FUTILE"

by bite me (an "EX"-democrat) September 5, 2004

173๐Ÿ‘ 259๐Ÿ‘Ž


Lying morons who make false accusations against the president about how he is only benefiting the wealthy and oppressing the poor. Meanwhile, this particular liberal is really fat and able to survive, and is getting rich on millions of dollars shelled in from Farenheit/911. Also see hypocrite and lonely

Michael Moore is a fat, liberal sack of crap!

by Ryan Jones October 31, 2004

165๐Ÿ‘ 246๐Ÿ‘Ž


Liberalism is the belief in a large and powerful centralized government. This does not mean that every liberal is a communist, but it also doesn't mean any thing about "looking after the oppressed" like so many seem to think it is.
As far as modern liberalism goes, they usually support issuses such as abortion, socialized health care, and the anit-war movement.
Many of todays liberals are composed of college age and younger teens who tend to be more ideological(i.e war is bad in all cases.)

Liberals:Al Gore, John Kerry, and that sister that went to collage and then came back screeching about the plight of wemon in this country

by meatsnacked March 16, 2008

71๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž


like to do the "group think"

instead of the "free think"

or the "individual think"

bunch o' brainwashed fricken b00bz

by Mot October 9, 2004

173๐Ÿ‘ 261๐Ÿ‘Ž