A lip blesser is when someone places their penis on someone's lip disregarding what sex the person may be
Watch out that man is a lip blesser better keep away from him.
To aggressively kiss someone on lips.
Go lips (with sb):
Grab someone's shoulders, and put your tongue deep inside their mouth in order to kiss.
French kiss, deep kissing
GUY1: Hey dude! Les' go lips!
GUY2: Nah... I ain't doin' that gay shit.
GUY: That movie was insane! They went lips at the end of the fight.
GIRL: Eww... Can you cease it already!?
Super short shorts that girls wear, predominantly in summer. They are so short, you can almost see the girls labia or vagina "lips"
"Man! Girls shorts are getting shorter every year! You can almost see her vag! My daughter better never walk out of the house wearing a pair of lip shorts like that!"
Extended meat flaps on a large woman. Particularly useful in describing a queefing woman.
Too much queefing had led to Mary's developing tuba lips.
Means to be quiet.Close your mouth.
Zip the lip, will ya.Because your getting on my nerves.
Crucified lips for people who don’t know how to apply chapstick. Dad must also make boards for living
Cole has some cruce lips