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Something that, if returned, will make you the happiest person in the world, and make nothing else matter. however, if it is not returned you will become the most miserable person in the world. other than that, i cna't really define it.

i've been in love with her for 10 years, and i can't help it, and she doesn't love me back. it kinda sucks ass-crack.

by moo February 16, 2005

653πŸ‘ 337πŸ‘Ž


The unimaginable feeling you possess when you're around that special someone. When all you want to do is be with that person forever. You'd do anything for them to make them safe and happy. When the days seems like years until you're eyes meet with theirs again. That gut feeling you get when you think about them. That pleasurable feeling you get when your lips meet theirs. They smile at you and you smile back. When you hug them and never want to let go. Even when they say your name. All these things appear and everything else disappears around you. You are willing to anything for that person. Stay up all night on the phone when your parents are sound asleep, walk miles upon miles just to give them one single hug, sneak out just to see them one last time, or call them back when they hang up on you. All signs of simple effection toward one another. When that special someone makes your heart jump out of your throat. When they make your heart rate go up and down at the same time. When you cry to yourself at night just because you miss them. Even when they change your life. When you try to imagine a world without them but you simply just can't. It's love. <3

I love you baby. And I want to be with you forever. Till the stars don't shine and till the heavens burst. And last but not least until my last rose dies... I love you

Happy Anniversary

7 months 1/8/10

by Vanhalengirl13 August 8, 2010

34πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

in love

you have known the individual long enough to get to know them for who they really are and what they believe in; in which time you develop deep feelings for them as far as caring about their wellbeing and wanting to constantly be with them

After knowing Roderic for more than 5 years I fell in love with him because of his witiness and self-determination to accomplish goals set before him.

by Morgan Campbell June 9, 2005

584πŸ‘ 300πŸ‘Ž


1. Meaning something genually beautiful and/or grand.

2. A word that men should not be allowed to use in conversation with other men.

Man 1: Oh...my God, did you see that cute upholstery that Carl had in his living room? Oh, it was just lovely.

Man 2: We are no longer friends.

by HappyBirthdayPaulie August 6, 2009

763πŸ‘ 398πŸ‘Ž


L is for the way you look at me.
O is for the only one I see.
V is very, very extraordinary.
E is even more than anyone that you adore.

Love is just love.

by Jayy2222 May 21, 2018

20πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


β€œI love you.”

This is an overused idea in many popular sayings today. It's what starry-eyed lovers whisper as they gaze at an ocean sunset, what 8-year-olds shout to their mothers as they sprint toward the already departing morning bus heading for school, and what teenage lovers tell each other in the heat of the moment. It's supposed to be the deepest level of emotional connection between people, yet society has transformed it into a pop-icon phrase to be screened onto glittery fuchsia tank tops and written inside Hallmark cards with pastel bunnies and butterflies dancing on the cover. The phrase, of course, is β€œI love you.” Love has become such as complex emotion, to the extent of which we are uncertain what it truly signifies and when it is the β€œreal thing”.

A black and white movie, Titanic, a happily ever after and spontaneous trips to exotic destinations with your significant other, is what love signifies for a large part of the population. Everyone wants to be in love. It’s the way the universe tells us who we belong with forever and ever. Nothing could be more exciting and passionate. Our society considers falling in love to be one of the most, if not the most adventurous endeavor that can be taken on. Falling in love is very much like being faced with crashing waves of emotions and then suddenly discovering that the shore is sometimes rocky.

If a person says that they love you, they mean that they like you for who you are now and they fell in love with you because of the present you. This kind of love is temporary and will only last as long as any fairytale would. However, when we wake from the dream and are forced to set aside our views of romanticism, we are confronted with the reality of our situation: Love is not always what we imagine it to be.

But if a person says they love you, one can assume that they mean that they love you unconditionally for who you are now, who you were you in the past and who you might be in the future. When they say they love you and really mean it, you have to ask yourself if you love them too or if you are only in love with the idea of β€œbeing in love”. It is very hard to see the difference through logical thinking. These thoughts are sometimes the reason for a relationship going sour.

In seeing how complex love is, we understand that although it is important to love, it is also easy to lose yourself in emotions and therefore lose sense of reality. The longing for a destiny is nowhere stronger than in our romantic life. We are forced at times to share a life with those who cannot possibly fathom our soul. Can we not be forgiven if we believe ourselves fated to stumble one day upon the man or woman of our dreams? We all have these yearnings and long for our soulmate. Many are willing to give up their life for the one they love, while others simply do not place any value into love. Felix Adler, a German philosopher, said it best: β€œLove is the expansion of two natures in such fashion that each include the other, each is enriched by the other.” Isn’t that what we all look for in life?

Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare's most famous star-crossed lovers. Romeo, a young youth, was in love with the idea of being in love and Juliet, his lover, felt that she was prepared for love and was also yearning for a romantic lifestyle. In Act Two, Scene One, the two lovers discuss their plans of marriage, although it is forbidden. The two decide that they must be together, in order to be happy, as they have become so dependent on the illusion of love. Juliet says to Romeo, β€œThree words, dear Romeo, and good night indeed. // If that thy bent of love be honorable, // Thy purpose marriage, send me word to-morrow, // By one that I’ll procure to come to thee, // where and what time thou wilt perform the rite; // And all fortunes at thy foot I’ll lay, // And follow thee my lord throughout the world.” This is significant because in this quote we see a young girl, not yet experienced in the world, pledging herself to her boyfriend, without fully grasping the reality of the situation that it is just teenage love. Eventually, Romeo and Juliet both take their lives because they realize that they cannot be together. All the odds were against them and they gave up in life, in order to be together in death. This situation of love that we find in literature, although perhaps an exaggerated one, shows the extremes of love and how puzzling it truly can be.

by Reitballer January 22, 2006

160πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


love is like trying to explain how water tastes, Completly impossible

I love you!!
Your love means the world to me!

by Chante' August 3, 2007

50πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž