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narcissistic candy

An empathetic, SWEET & often incredibly sexy soul preyed upon, EATEN & exploited by a demonic narcissist(s).

Johnny Depp was utterly delicious narcissistic candy for that evil Amber bitch.

by DVonDiesel June 21, 2022

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batshit narcissist

A form of narcissism whereas the person not only has an inflated sense of self-importance, but also have lost all connection to reality and facts. A batshit narcissist will conflate their negative or losing position with victory and supreme dominance, while simultaneously blaming anyone with facts or truth of deception and lies. See also Donald J. Trump

After the losing 2020 Presidential election, Donald Trump melted down and became the epitome of a batshit narcissist.

by Creative12 December 12, 2020

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narcissistic personality disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder is a pervasive pattern of grandiose thoughts and/or behavior, need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents while minimizing failures, expects to be recognized as superior without earning that reverence).
2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love; often becomes a life goal.
3. Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
4. Requires excessive admiration, regardless of whether they earned the admiration.
5. Has a sense of entitlement, unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance from others.
6. Exploits other people, using them to achieve his or her own ends.
7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.
9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.

Narcissistic personality disorder often manifests in corporate CEOs, politicians (like Kim-Jong Il, Stalin, Saddam Hussein, etc.), cult leaders (like Jim Jones, David Berg, Warren Jeffs, Joseph Smith, etc), corrupt authorities, corrupt clergy or religious leaders, criminals (like Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Gertrude Baniszewski, Diane Downs, etc), celebrities (like Rush Limbaugh, OJ Simpson, Donald Trump, etc.) among others.

Personality disorders usually overlap and the narcissist shares many traits with the paranoid, histrionic and antisocial personalities: the paranoid and the narcissist are both often irrationally suspicious and distrustful but the paranoid acts in self-defense while narcissists fear any exposure of their failures and flaws; the histrionic and narcissist both want to be the centre of attention, but the histrionic is usually playful, dependent, is more exaggerated in emotional display, and craves *any* attention (good or bad) while the narcissist is haughty, exploits others, and will only accept admiration; the antisocial personality and the narcissist are both ruthless, glib manipulators who ruin lives but the antisocial personality does not need excessive admiration, is deceptive, impulsive, aggressive, and degrades and manipulates others for profit or pleasure while narcissists publicly disparage others, think of their futures, and bully others to bolster their own egos.

by Lorelili April 9, 2012

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Narcissistic Facebook Disorder

When somebody obsessively trolls the Facebook status updates, comments, photographs, video posts and likes of their Facebook colleagues and manages to interpret every post as having a go at them. This is generally followed by a spate of angry personal messages from any one of their several fake accounts to generate a perception of false support from their 'friends'.

Person 1: "Man, that Meg has posted a photo of her new labrador puppy. Do you think she's hinting that I have breath like a dog?"

Person 2: "Dude, you have Narcissistic Facebook Disorder for sure".

by Amanda Lee Smith July 12, 2012

narcissistic birthday syndrome

a condition in which ones birthday (or month) is approaching so the person in question completely ignores everything in life except his or her upcoming birthday. Constantly reminding others that his or her day is approaching, planning their own parties, suggesting gifts, and changing the subject of every social conversation in to something about said birthday.

Guy: "Greg's birthday is coming up, are you going to his party?"
Girl: "How can you not? He's only reminded me every day since last month and invited me to his 3 parties he planned for himself. His narcissistic birthday syndrome is in full swing."

by quixilver09 January 11, 2017

Narcissistic Dick Disorder

When you have a dick so far up your ass that it hits your brain and causes an arrogant mindset in which you can never be wrong. Commonly seen in people who have failed in some area repeatedly, such as school, dating, etc...

Joe: "Wow, Tim has been really cocky and arrogant lately. What's his deal?"

Blake: "I think he has Narcissistic Dick Disorder."

by MLGPingu July 31, 2015

Narcissistic Logical Fallacy

A "Narcissistic Logical Fallacy" is a fallacy commonly used by narcissists to gaslight their victims.

"Omg, like I dumped my boyfriend because he tried to tell me 'there's never been any evidence to suggest that evidence you're suggesting' -to the evidence of how he was cheating! That's a Narcissistic Logical Fallacy! He's such a narcissist."

by Biggie Dawg January 29, 2021