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National send nudes day

April 19th is the day you send nudes to someone you feel comfortable with.

Some people you could send nudes to would be your boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, side hoe, or even someone you have a thing with.

Person 1: Happy National Send Nudes Day!

*sends nudes to Person 2*

Person 2: Awww, you made my day! Happy National Send Nudes Day to you too!

*sends nudes to Person 1*

by Lol a lol a lol April 19, 2020

National Send Nudes Day

If someone sends you this, then you have to send them nudes.

I got some nudes. National Send Nudes Day

by Jonny6942900 April 18, 2020

national send nudes day

april 19 of every year any girl or boy you send this to has to send you one or multiple nude pictures

boy:”hey did you know it’s national send nudes day”

girl:” darn you got me here you go

by massive penis syndrome April 19, 2020

National Send Nudes Day

A day for anyone to send any kind of nude picture to one another

It’s National Send Nudes Day! I can send nudes to anyone!

by Bigblob420 March 19, 2021

National send nudes day

National Send Nudes Day
July 11 is the day you send nudes to someone you trust and feel comfortable with.

Some people you could send nudes to would be your boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, cousin, side hoe, or even someone you have a thing with.
Person 1: Happy National Send Nudes Day! *sends nudes to Person 2*

Person 2: Awww, you made my day! Happy National Send Nudes Day to you too!

*sends nudes to Person 1*

National send nudes day is a day to cheer up a friend a day to entice and arouse a significant other or someone your perusing or for kicks and giggles

by Dr. Randy Camel July 11, 2022

National Send Nudes Day

November 13th is National Send Nudes Day.
This is the day you send nudes to someone you like.

Person 1: Happy National Send Nudes Day!

Person 2: *sends nudes to Person 1*

Person 1: Awww, you made my day! Happy National Send Nudes Day!

by powernap November 13, 2023

National Send Nudes Day

on April 29th send nudes to josh

national send nudes day just do it

by UncleMonstar April 29, 2018