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It has been proposed by someone using this dictionary that a nerd is simply a lesser geek; for example, one who is very brainy, but without social skills (which a geek, apparently, would possess). I submit for contemplation the definitions of both nerd and geek as I have always understood them--a nerd is a very brainy, generally socially inept person who leans toward bookish pursuits, such as the reading and analysis of, well, 18th century books, while a geek is much the same, but with an affinity for technology/computers. Either may enjoy anime, comic books, the Internet, and/or the company of other nerds/geeks (among many other interesting and engaging pastimes).

Amanda is such a nerd. She's always reading her English literature textbook for fun.

Julie is such a geek. She's always fiddling with her computer.

by AmandaQuirky December 11, 2004

59๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž


A nerd, in simple definition, is a person with poor social skills who is very intelligent and creative. Although the word "Nerd" has only been recently used, the species has been around for centuries.

They are persecuted because of their "social deficiency" and intelligence. However, true nerds do not care about this, since they have their own sense of what is cool.

They tend to be loners and egotistical people who embed themselves in things such as computer skills, art, music, books, plays etc to make up for their lack of status.

Although a nerd may have a few non-nerd associates, the nerd's only true friends will be other nerds; and additionally, nerds have only been known to mate with their own species.

The natural enemy of the nerd is the goth

A true Nerd does not need friends, for he always his his mind.

by The Zebu November 21, 2003

41๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


A smart, highly intellect but disavantaged in Athletics and social activities due to too much time spending in libraries and less time playing sports and/or talking to other people.
They however, are smart or uncool (depends on how you see it) enough to not be motivated by fashion, which IMHO is just a waste of money.

why buy a quicksilver wallet for 10$ when you can buy 1 with the same quality for 5?

by jjk May 3, 2004

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To nerd

(v.) The act of flaunting knowledge that no one else cares about.

"Then I killed Klauth the Great Wyrm of the North with my greatsword +2 and I kept respawning back to the Temple of Tyr but then my henchman half-orc barbarian-"
"Stop nerding around!"

by Hazel January 3, 2004

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A nerd is an intelligent Dork

That Nerd knows everything.

by InternetGeek96 January 22, 2010

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A person who is extremely smart. Most have an obession with some sort of sci-fi saga but some don't. Often rediculed for being to dad gom smart. NOT obessed with computers (those are geeks). That one kid who's in your innercircle that all ways makes the best grades and feels out of wack if they miss an airing of Firefly.

I, Darth_`Eowyn am one of the cutest, free thinkerest, most uncool, most proud nerd you'll ever meet.

by Darth_`Eowyn September 10, 2006

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An acronym for "not even remotely dorky"

Dr. Frink: you see to me, "nerd" stands for "not even remotely dorky", so thank you, thank you for the compliment.

by STOP DOING THAT TO ME November 18, 2009

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