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Oscar is a very annoying boy who likes to make fun of people a lot. They usually have dark hair and brown eyes. Oscar’s usually talk about how good they are at fortnite but there not actually good at all Kacper and fynns are much better than him. They can be nice but tend to have extreme anger issues when there not right.

Rachel: omg he is such an Oscar

Niamh: yum

He is acting like such an Oscar today, I’m not speaking to him

by xoxholly5 August 14, 2018

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The one creepy guy who watches porn while dating people. The guy who is edgy and "Cuts" himself even though there small and can heal in a few days. He's emo and thinks being depressed is cool. He thinks anxiety makes him look cool. He says a lot of dirty topics like telling his girlfriend "Why didn't you invite me when you were being raped"

Jennifer:"Oscar a dick"
Mario:"He doesn't even have one"
Connor: "No it's just microscopic"

by Small titty girl andbig emofag March 4, 2019

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A man who is disliked by most, with the only exclusion of this rule being women who is closely related to him, such as his twin sister. Oscar's sister is always the hottest girl in the local area. Oscar must maintain a large forehead at all times, or he may be deemed unworthy of his name.

F*ck off Oscar, only your sister, Molly, likes you.

by monado lover November 24, 2016

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He tries to act cool but really isn't. People don't generally like him.

Oh no, its oscar

by dhhdhdh November 15, 2016

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A sad little gay drug addict that doesn’t know how to feel emotions

β€œOscar, what’s your favorite type of youtube video?”

Oscar: β€œi like hangings.”

by Whore69420666 February 7, 2020

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He is a lying, manipulative piece of shit that will do and say anything to make you believe he has changed as a person to get you back after treating you like shit for a little over 3 years. Whatever you do, don't trust him. He will break your heart and hurt you and make you think it was all your fault. Don't do it to yourself girl.

Jen: "How is your relationship going?"

Marry: "I don't know, I think he is an Oscar..."

Jen: Dump him, dump him now before he makes you think youre the one that hurt him when he is really a lying sack of dicks."

Marry: -blocks him on all social media and changes her number-

by You Know You Fgt March 31, 2016

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Perhaps a man known for eating numerous hot dogs, he is childish and hangs out with people who are either cool or douches. Oscar himself is a rather chill and cool guy who people dont mind being around.

Hey Oscar is pretty cool. Yea but his friends are fags.

by DaddyTom11 May 23, 2011

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