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political masturbation

1. slang. Term used to describe any political process that serves only as a distraction from more important matters.

The Senate's ongoing debate over the Flag Burning Amendment is a great example of political masturbation.

by Rich C 123 July 8, 2006

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politically fluid

Denoting or relating to a person who does not identify themselves as having a fixed political affiliation. It shifts over time, depending on the situation or issue at hand. One may feel like a Republican one day or a Democrat another day or neutral, or pieces of several political parties at once.

I am a republican who is pro-choice, which makes me politically fluid.

by Auggie-Daisy October 8, 2018

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Somebody who sees the upsides and downsides to both the Republican and Democratic parties. Not necessarily a person who falls in the middle of the spectrum, rather one who has views that align and conflict with both major US political parties.

Did you see that guy go into the bar where they have both fiscally responsible initiatives but are still socially liberal? I really think he’s bi-political. Do you get that vibe from him, too?

by CoolGuyRandall March 20, 2011

political handjob

A reference to some of the more negative aspects of quid pro quo politics.

As part of the whole Ukrainian deal, we may get a stray political handjob here and there - but I intend to get my goddamn Biden investigation out of this ugly mess!

by Dr Bunnygirl November 19, 2019

Tom Polites

Famous twitch streamer Tom Polites who is mostly know for his beautiful boobs.

Did you feel Tom Polites boobs? They are so soft.

by northhhhhh July 2, 2021

politics of diversion

When politicians focus on issues that are controversial but in reality have little or no effect on most people in order to divert attention from more important issues they don't want to deal with

voter: "I'm unemployed and I just lost my health insurance, what are you going to do to fix the economy and make healthcare affordable?"

politician: "Well, we need to ban same-sex marriage and flag desecretion."

voter: "WTF?! What does that have to do with anything, stop the politics of diversion and tell me what you are going to do about the real problems facing this country!"

by Mr.Juan-derful August 14, 2010

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political catalyse

Think of today's polarized political divide pretty much right down the middle 50/50. The debates are going no where because it's considered socially impolite to discuss politics/religion in a social setting; and most definitely not in a business/working environment. Now think of a chemistry experiment where you have two chemicals (Republicans and Democrats) mixed together but nothing's happening. But if you mixed in a third chemical, a Progressive or a Liberal, all of a sudden you have a lively debate...?

As most people, even the Progressives and the Liberals, most definitely the Liberals, pick their battles, you may or may not get a debate started. The hardest part is getting the first two ingredients together in an environment willing for geniune discussions with geniune results.

All I hear is justifying, justifying, justifying.

Let me try using the three wise monkeys. They generally mean being of sound mind, body, and action. Set the example for others to follow. They can also mean looking the other way, refusing to ackowledge, feining ignorance. In other words, what's the point of our first bunch of monkeys (those leaning left e.g. our Liberal Elite) taking a step in the right direction if that's as far as they are going to get with our second bunch of monkeys (those leaning right e.g. Religious Right and/or Neo-Conservative Business Interest) paying no attention to our first bunch of monkeys.

this calls for a third set of monkeys, an example of the uber significance of the number "3" in numerology, the "political catalyse": those people loaded with empathy, willing, as well as able (takes financial security), to be confrontational with humility and honesty at all times.

1. Calling out people's behavior anywhere, anytime, and letting them know it did not go unnoticed.
2. Letting them know it was not acceptatble.
3. Not to be tolerated as long as we are able having anything to say or do about it.

In other words, Anti-Christ is nothing more than W.W.J.D. today.


by Simply Jim March 18, 2014