Source Code

Porridge Metal

Porridge Metal - Metal Musik whos drums are too quite, guitar has no aksents, trak looks longer than it aktually is, & tempo is always changing its like “Porridge”

Term kreated & 1st used by Kristina Rybalchenko aka Kriss Drummer on 2023_December_16 Saturday during Live Twitch Stream. Time Stamp 3:35:00 15:35:00 CT / 21:35:00 UTC

Post Kreated by theMekanik

Example 1: Motorhead the Band has a song kalled “Overkill” it is the epitome of “Porridge Metal Musik

Example 2: Motörhead - Overkill, is Porridge Metal

by December 16, 2023

Porridge Metal

Porridge Metal - Metal Musik whos drums are too quite, guitar has no aksents, trak looks longer than it aktually is, & tempo is always changing its like “Porridge”

Term kreated & 1st used by Kristina Rybalchenko aka Kriss Drummer on 2023_December_16 Saturday during Live Twitch Stream. Time Stamp 3:35:00 15:35:00 CT / 21:35:00 UTC

Example 1: Motorhead the Band has a song kalled “Overkill” it is the epitome of “Porridge Metal Musik

Example 2: Motörhead - Overkill, is Porridge Metal

by December 17, 2023

Panic Porridge

When your pullout game is weak and you have to duck down and suck out the baby gravy before you get her preggo.

I had to eat panic porridge for breakfast this morning because the morning quickie was a little too quick!

by Wilskins May 6, 2022

Stir the Norwegian's porridge

To insert unnecessary chaos into a situation. To escalate matters. To absolutely wreck someone's entire world possibly forever.

Fred: Just don't mention her ex-boyfriend when you talk to her. You'll just stir the Norwegian's porridge.

Jake: Got it. The last thing I want to do is to make a scene.

by benlulz January 23, 2021

Creamy Porridge

When you get fucked so hard in the pussy that chunky white lumps of cum ex cremates from the vagina

"fuck you darling you made my cunt into a creamy porridge"

by fuckmetillibleed March 3, 2017