Porridge Metal - Metal Musik whos drums are too quite, guitar has no aksents, trak looks longer than it aktually is, & tempo is always changing its like “Porridge”
Term kreated & 1st used by Kristina Rybalchenko aka Kriss Drummer on 2023_December_16 Saturday during Live Twitch Stream. Time Stamp 3:35:00 15:35:00 CT / 21:35:00 UTC
Post Kreated by theMekanik
Example 1: Motorhead the Band has a song kalled “Overkill” it is the epitome of “Porridge Metal Musik”
Example 2: Motörhead - Overkill, is Porridge Metal
Porridge Metal - Metal Musik whos drums are too quite, guitar has no aksents, trak looks longer than it aktually is, & tempo is always changing its like “Porridge”
Term kreated & 1st used by Kristina Rybalchenko aka Kriss Drummer on 2023_December_16 Saturday during Live Twitch Stream. Time Stamp 3:35:00 15:35:00 CT / 21:35:00 UTC
Example 1: Motorhead the Band has a song kalled “Overkill” it is the epitome of “Porridge Metal Musik”
Example 2: Motörhead - Overkill, is Porridge Metal
When your pullout game is weak and you have to duck down and suck out the baby gravy before you get her preggo.
I had to eat panic porridge for breakfast this morning because the morning quickie was a little too quick!
To insert unnecessary chaos into a situation. To escalate matters. To absolutely wreck someone's entire world possibly forever.
Fred: Just don't mention her ex-boyfriend when you talk to her. You'll just stir the Norwegian's porridge.
Jake: Got it. The last thing I want to do is to make a scene.
When you get fucked so hard in the pussy that chunky white lumps of cum ex cremates from the vagina
"fuck you darling you made my cunt into a creamy porridge"