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Pecker Pouch

1.A holding device used to carry a mans enormous cock if it is too heavy to walk with.
can also be used to protect and keep your cock warm in rain or any weather conditions.

1.I bought this pecker pouch so it keeps my cock protected and warm when i go fishing in the winter time.
2. Now when my dog bites me in the cock this pecker pouch will keep my dick protected.

by Russey August 28, 2008

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Man Pouch

When a father carries an infant in the front of his pants because his arms are sore. Like a kangaroo.

holy fecal material! Why is their a baby in your man pouch?

by Katharsis April 19, 2009

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Puddin' Pouch

The tender very sensitive streach of skin between your ass hole and ball and/or balls. Also known as a gooch.

I heard that jerry shaved his puddin' pouch and cut himself. He died three months later, pukin puddin everywhere.

by Standford February 25, 2007

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Puss Pouch

When a woman is so fat, that she has a roll where her crouch is. Looks literally like a pouch down in the crouch region.

The lady was so fat, she couldn't wear jeans because of her puss pouch.

by Bad Ass in The House September 17, 2008

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nugget pouch


Looked like she was smugglin chubacca in her nugget pouch.

by POOPmanTURD March 25, 2010

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Tobacco Pouch

A form of snuff for all the fucking pussies out there. It's like taking a tiny ass dip and putting it in a bag. They are great to chew in school if you don't wanna get caught, but it's better to be a real man and pack yourself a big ole' dip of cope or skoal than to be the ultimate pussy.

Person 1: "Hey Rian, do you got a Tobacco Pouch?"
Person 2: "No! I'm not a fucking pussy!"

by 420 Smoot It Faggot April 17, 2014

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Pee Pouch

The organ in the boday that collects urine prior to removal from the body. Also known as the Bladder.

Man, my pee pouch is full.

by Tedccrow December 14, 2007

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