Prai: a term which is used for people when they self-harm for attention or exxagerate when they self harm.
Don't be such a prai
Bro did you see Alexandra yesterday? She's acting like such a prai
People with this name are usually the sweetest people on earth. Shy but super kind they are always loyal and have your back. Fun to hang out with and Patient, people with this name are the best to be friends with.
Hey did you talk to Prai yet? she’s so nice
Dude, Prai is always so patient with me
Dick headed cunt. People with this name are usually known to have a micro-penis. They are always horny for BBC's. They are somehow smarter than smart people in Spanish. They work at Subway's for the break and get paid .50/hour because the manager in their mother.
Devla is prai
To request divine intervention in a potentially-dangerous situation, instead of relying on aerosol-based capsicum-fluid.
Since it's ridiculously easy to get charged with assault by someone whom you "mace the face" of (for example, the person can always deny that he had intended you any harm, even if you know that he very likely was planning to hurt you), it's a wise idea to just choose spepper pray in all but the most extreme of circumstances.
So... When Russell "the (alleged) little girl rapist" Brand... Chants the rosary in front of 11 million people... Jordan "Almost not a Dr" Peterson has nothing to say about it...
Hym "But when 'The Woke!' are
✌️✊️✌️Praying in public✌️✊️✌️ in a vague and abstract sense... It's evidence of their falsehood or the falsehood of their immortality.... But when Russell LITERALLY PRAYS IN PUBLIC... Reciting a chant for a religion in which he doesn't believe... Nothing. Radio silence. So, his excuses are pretend. Doesn't give a shit about
✌️✊️✌️Praying in public✌️✊️✌️ Embarrassing. Fraudulent."
But it ISN'T that.
Hym "You're analogizing praying in public with the thing they are doing which means they aren't actually violating the principles of the moral system to which you pretend to subscribe. You have pretend (literally) they are violating your moral principles because you aren't actually capable of expressing why they are wrong. I (on the other had) DO NOT DO THAT. You're a dishonest piece of shit and I am not, Jordan."
Hey Jordan... Didn't you go to some Muslim religious site where you're not supposed to pray and then pray anyway and then post a video about praying in public? I'm pretty sure that's a thing that happened.
Hym "Praying in plubic is something Christians do all the time. Public moments of silence. Politicians pray in public all the time. Jordan Peterson doesn't care about people praying in public. He's just making up imaginary moral failing so he has an excuse to demonize people.