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Devil's present

A man that stands more than 6 feet tall, makes more than 6 figures, and packs more than 6 inches

Girl, that guy is a devil's present.

by 2001RoadKing October 27, 2023


The judging of people in the past by the moral standards of the present.

Modern professors advocate presentism and want to reframe historical heroes as villains because they did not conform to modern morality.

"Tear down all the statues of George Washington! The man was a racist!"
"That's presentism, dude. In 100 years someone will probably think you were a monster for eating meat."

by September 21, 2022

Present teatimeyatora

A chaotically calm fetus

Brad: what is present teatimeyatora
Chad: a chaotically calm fetus

by ra.un.na April 17, 2022

Present Window

The part of a quote that is presented in a sound bite. Pronounced pruh ZENT

What I said was "Some people say that porn and drugs should be legal because you can't resist them if you don't have access." Of course, "some people say" never made it into the present window.

by bTags March 2, 2011


a word that stupid people who don't have lives use instead of the word "presenting" because they don't know shit

me: when is your presentation?

the lil shit: im presentating today, i hope i get an A

by heehee_mj_noises February 25, 2022

Oral Presentation

When you give the school oral?

Lamarrontavious: You excited for the Oral Presentation today?

by dababy.com??????? May 9, 2022

presentation skills

A person with presentation skills use multimedia in order to present information clearly and effectively. For example, a person with presentation skills would dance to “A Little Party Never Killed Nobody” from the Great Gatsby soundtrack during a presentation about the 1920’s.

Person A: Did you see how David danced to “A Little Party Never Killed Nobody” during his presentation??
Person B: Yeah, David has such presentation skills?

by duärsåyeahyeahwowow November 11, 2017