An essential part of any shopping trip which takes place when one has caught their breath towards the end of the trip, it is to simply look back and asess exactly what goods they have purchased with their cash, merely for their own benefit and maybe who else is with them.
This usually takes place on the platforms of various train stations pending on where the trip has taken place.
Josh: 'The Train ain't comin till 17:39'
Wilson: 'Oh no that is almost seven minutes away! what ever will we do in that time?'
James: 'Time for a purchase review.'
When your in the shower and having a review of the bad part of your life that happened.
I took a review shower because I needed to let go of some things
Happened to me, like has anyone else had this problem?
I created 3 definitions yesterday and none of them are on the website yet...
I am so disappointed.
When your definition was created yesterday and still hasn't been reviewed so it isn't published
When you ask a friend to review your back based on looks. It mainly a confidence booster
John asked for a back review the other day
Ha! Yeah that would be cringe... Which I why I refuse to do it. Yeah, I don't want to do that and won't.
Hym "Yeah, don't ask me to review my shit. I was there the first time and so was everyone else."
A structured evaluation or analysis of something with the aim of implementing changes if needed. Let me know if you need further clarification!
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