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Smokin Opps In Da Honda Civic

Smokin Opps In Da Honda Civic

"Smokin Opps In Da Honda Civic" - Bob Belcher

by TOWH May 29, 2024

Smokin' Tires

The act of rapidly puffing on a cigar to:

a) Ensure an even distribution of burning tobacco at the tip
b) To fill the immediate vicinity with an obnoxious cloud of smoke, thereby notifying those around you that you're a very important man, smoking a very important smoke

Nick: I like the look of smoking a cigar, but how can I be certain that those around me notice I'm an inconsiderate douchebag?
Andy: Smokin' Tires, it's the only way.

by hoosier47804 August 19, 2013

smokin a smurf

The word is originated from the Latin word "Smookin" which means to inhale marijuana that has been rolled in paper. also known as a fat blunt.
smokin a smurf is commonly used as a slang word smoking weed. However the creator of the phrase is unknown is is still widely used.

it is currently illegal to be smokin a smurf

by FrEmXBiggy April 17, 2011

dope smokin hooter head

Someone who is actually dumb,crazy, and or cracked up. You would usually use this term is you’re disappointed in them or as an Insult. This could also mean to be funny thing to call your friends.

David just attacked the teacher,probably cause he’s a dope smokin hooter head.

by Dopesmokinhooterhead May 24, 2020

Smokin' The Squirrel

A term for Trailer trash that thinks nothing of eating roadkill

"Think I'ma gonna hang out here I'm "smokin' the squirrel" I picked up on the highway yesterday"

by xrxman59 March 9, 2010

smokin Larry burt

When you sit back smoking a fat bag of meth and your penis is in a white bitch

That guys smokin Larry burt.

by June 15, 2023