When you get sexual attracted to electical sockets.
Oh yeah! I can feel my Socket fetish right now.
I just need to fuck the nearest socket
When an individual take a piece of poop and urinates inside a condom then proceed to use it on someone until it pops
Did you hear “ Anthony got a promotion after he got a Peak pop socket” Don’t want to get a promotion like that, He walk funny now
A fast and/or high-tech electric vehicle.
Damn dude have you seen the new Rimac? Thst thing's a socket ship!
When a male repeatedly inserts and removes his penis from a woman's anus to the point where the outer part of the rectum has folded and extended to the outside part of the asshole.
Dude, I gave my gf one of those Boston Pop Sockets she's always been asking for last night.
A gangele socket is when you become injured severely and you dont take care of it. Resulting in avery nasty set of sores much like herpes.
I got gangele socket in vietnam because I never cleaned my foreskin
Shut up man! Shut up before I take this fartlet and shove it in your mouth!
Ambrogeese: you look like you like chicken.
Anya: Take a fart out your pocket and put it in your socket!
This phrase means shut up man! It’s a comeback for people who just need to shut up.
Ambergeese: you look like you wanna lick that toilet seat, ugly!
Jofener: Take a fart out your pocket and put it in your socket!