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Soulmate 101

Instant connection to someone in prison that is more than 3 states away . True love that measures in courage and strength. A bond that Can Not be BROKEN .

Fact I’d Soulmate 101 , Julie meets Dallas . The End.

by Alovulpix_geng September 14, 2021

Soulmate 101

I want to spend my life with you. I promised to marry you Julie... Why would I not want this to work? But if you want to leave me I can't force you to stay. That would be selfish of me. I just want you happy. So if being without me is what makes you happy then I'll have to accept that and just disapear out your life. You think that's what I want? It's not but do I have a choice? I can't make you love me. I love you so much this is so painful. Losing you. My biggest fear coming true. All I want is you so bad. Why can't I just have you. Why does everything have to go so wrong for me in life. Right when I finally find true happiness it gets snatched away from me. I'm deteriorating on the inside right now. I'm slowly gravitating towards self destruction. This pain is too unbearable. Fr

Big facts of SOULMATE 101 , once Dallas met Julie He could not imagine life without her.

by AloVulpix-Geng September 14, 2021


(EO) Elliot Stabler and Olivia benson

‘In a parallel universe, it will always be you and I.’ ~ said by one soulmate to the other

by boothandbabes October 2, 2021


(EO) Elliot Stabler and Olivia benson

‘In a parallel universe, it will always be you and I.’ ~ said by one soulmate to the other

by boothandbabes October 2, 2021


To describe the friendship between Lee Minho and Han Jisung.

Use this when you've found the Lee Know to your Han Jisung and vice versa.

They're soulmates.

by mikaiscrazy September 19, 2021


Shinji and Kaworu from Neon Genesis Evangelion.

„They’re soulmates. Literally Shinji and Kaworu

by iggyiggi January 22, 2022


jo and mabel

no se q poner jo te amo
jo y mabel besties

jo y mabel soulmates

by Taehyung & Jungkook November 16, 2020