Source Code

Square Brackets

The thing used to link other words with

You can use the square brackets to link other words. For example, booty will become booty.

by MyBigFatBoobs January 25, 2020

137๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

square gait

To square gate is to march or walk with the arm swinging forward at the same time as the corresponding leg i.e. right hand, right leg.

Awkward and distinctive.

Called a 'square' gait as the natural rythmn or 'gait' is altered to be equal instead of alternate (i.e. right arm, left leg).

A term commonly used within military organisations.

He had problems with marching as he used to square gait all the time.

by whyteivy March 11, 2008


A scottish call to fight after alternative means have been exhausted.
Basically meaning me and you,let's square up and punch the shit out each other.

When One's patience has been exhausted by the aggrevating assailant the cry goes up for a "SQUARE-GO!"

by Peat Bog Man February 6, 2002

76๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

square up

1. to get ready for a fight

2. to get in the fighting position

"Aye dawg! You betta square up cause I'm fittin to knock your ass out!"

"I squared up with that fool cause I thought he wanted to throw down!"

by jOhNnY bOi September 20, 2005

1262๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž

Square Biz

When someone is being very real. Serious. Straight talk.

All she'd have to do is even blink in my direction and I'd pack my stuff and we'd be gone. Square Biz!

by Miss Teque October 5, 2010

174๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Greydon Square

Greydon Square is a atheist rapper.

Hey man I was listening to Greydon Square the other day and damn, his lyrics make sense.

by JAStewart February 20, 2008

186๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Square Rooter

Somebody who only looks out for themselves. They will do whatever they have to do, to make sure they come out on top. They will hurt anyone in the way. It always comes back to themselves winning.

Tommy, wouldn't train with the guys cuz he said his truck needed repair, so he would stay back and fix the truck while his boys sweat in the 100+ degree summer training. Tommy really square rooted his way out of this one.

Fritz doesn't like to work on holidays. So he calls in sick weeks before and stays out the whole time. He thinks because he does it 2 weeks prior that he has more ground to stand on, but everyone knows he was gonna do that because he's a square rooter.

by Wakafaluka waka waka June 23, 2011

37๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž