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Cushion squish

When you take a shit under someone(s) couch cushions.

Person1: I heard thomas snuck into bryants house and gave him a cushion squish
Person2: Prolly took him a month to get rid of the smell

by BearEggs December 1, 2018

toad squishing

Toad squishing is when a man poops in his hand and masturbates.

"ill be there in a minute. Let me finish toad squishing. "

by February 5, 2025

Squishing berries

A euphemism for gay sex.

“I found out my two guy friends were squishing berries!”
“We squished berries last night 😏.”

by Phat Wack December 9, 2021

squished ass

A feeling of incredible bodily discomfort in a cramped place.

We were squished ass during the car ride to Palm Springs.

by EpicBird July 17, 2011

kitten squishing


To teabag new born kittens still in their embriotic sacks.

Last night, I had so much fun kitten squishing.

by jacob dublubdub June 8, 2011

So squish

Everything good and adorable

You are so squish dakota

by So squish February 6, 2021

squish the fish

It means: beat the Miami Dolphins. However, after Dave Lundy published the novel "Squish the Fish”, it took on a perverted life of its own. In the book, Scooter thinks it means getting laid and pounding pussy.

After the Bills squish the fish and beat the Dolphins, I'm gonna celebrate at our tailgate party and squish my girlfriend's fish!

by Bottoms Up! July 19, 2020