Deadly Class is a series from 2019 based on the comics from 2014, “Deadly Class” published by Image Comics with 52 comics. The series is about a 19 year old boy named Marcus Lopez that ends up in a Murderer/Assassin school for both boys and girls. It’s actually only for ppl who have killed others, but Marcus actually hasn’t. If you wanna know more just watch the series or go to the Wikipedia page (16+)
Person 1: Dude! Have you watched Deadly Class yet?
Person 2: Isn’t that a comic?
a discord server full of niggers
Dude 1: "Hey let's join this server called Deadly Requiem"
Dude 2: "Hell nah that server's a bunch of niggers"
Deadly Hug, is when you pat someone on the back
Dude he just got a peaceful Deadly hug
memes that are literally used for mas destruction of the brain
that is one deadly meme
Deadly meaning something is really cool ,brilliant awesome the best
Omfg that rihanna concert was deadly
Sue: I know absolutely she was DEADLY !
Irish and Australian Aboriginal slang for awesome or cool.
The Irish and Aboriginal Australians have some things in common that don't involve being oppressed by the British, such as using the phrase "deadly".