Source Code

age fluid

something that "justifies" pedophilia


It's not pedophilia, I'm age fluid

by gangsignsouthewindowyabich July 30, 2020

261πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

Coons Age

hickbilly slang used to descibe a long period of time; roughly 8 and a half years

Well tarnation! I havent seen Jethro in a coons age

by F.a.S - Alex "Chadahooch" Leighton June 3, 2003

757πŸ‘ 266πŸ‘Ž

Uncle Ag

Uncle Ag Is an American Pedophile who is known to dud and grab moobs of Babies and Fetuses. He drives around in a white van waiting for his prey to come outside so he can penetrate. He also has a signature noice that he makes when he is about to dud, the noise is owwooow

β€œUncle Ag just clapped my cheeks”
β€œWatch out for Uncle Ag son”
β€œ Uncle Ag just stuck a finger in my crack”

by SpeedIsSus August 11, 2022

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Age Regression

Age regression is when a person, (could be underage or not) reverts to a childlike state, mostly to cope with stress, anxiety, depression, and other things that might affect your day-to-day life. Though, sometimes it is just done for fun. People who age regress can regress on purpose, or unintentionally. It is a completely non-sexual thing, and is not to be mistaken with Age play, which involves roleplaying as a child and sexual activities (sometimes). When you experience age regression, it can be called little space, middle space, or big space. Little Space is when someone regresses to a younger state of mind, usually being 1-8. Middle space is when someone regresses to a younger state of mind, usually 9-12. And big space is when you regress only a few years back, usually being 13-15. People who regress to a younger state, usually might need help doing simple things like making their own food or brushing their teeth. That's where a caregiver comes in! Most people with a significant other, have a cg (caregiver). And their job consists of taking care of their little whilst they are in little space, middle space, or big space. Age regression is a wonderful coping mechanism overall and is not a bad thing anyone should be ashamed of.

"I love stuffed animals, it helps me regress alot easier!"
"What is with the pacifier, are you a baby or something?" No, they just Age Regress!"
"Age regression helps me cope!"

by Kawaii_Gutz March 5, 2022

41πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

age verification

A bu**s**t excuse to get your credit-card information.

Anytime a website asks for "age verification" by requesting my credit-card information, I just click out of the page... it's just another potential way for fraudsters to drain my assets or commit identity theft.

by QuacksO May 22, 2019

Bebo Age

When a user displays their age as older/younger than they actually are.

1) His bebo age is 16 but he's obviously 13.

2) Her bebo age is 99 because she doesn't want people to know her real age.

by Nick 987 February 13, 2009

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


When you forget how long you've been out of school and people treat you like an adult, when you still see yourself as an 11 year old.

Hello Sir, how can I help you?
What did you just call me?

These kids treating me with some mad respect, what an age-lol.

by 1Head November 4, 2018