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Pocket Patch

1.Someone who is really attractive/cute to you, who you just want to 'put into your pocket' because they're so darn cute.

2.A nickname for someone named Patrick.

1.That Timothee Chalamet, he's a little young for me but I'd consider him a Pocket Patch.
2. Patrick-he goes by Pocket Patch, Pocket Patcholino, Pocket Patch Adams, etc.

by Gene Tear Knee January 28, 2022

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Meat Patch

Conjested area of meaty erections.

Katie: You coming?

Nicole: im not going in, its a meat patch in there.

by Jigglypuff10 December 3, 2008

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Patch licker

A woman who will do just about anything (fucking, sucking, cleaning, be a house mouse, licking your boots, etc.) to date a "patchholder." (members of a motorcycle club (MC)). Will do anything the man or MC wants. Looking to score a steady boyfriend ("old man") but rarely happens cause everyone knows she is a patch licker. She hangs around only for the status of being seen with a badass patchholder and/or MC.

Dude: Man, that chick is hot! Check her out.

Patch holder: She's a patch licker. Good for a one nighter, not old lady material. But on the upside, she will do anything you want.

by OneRide October 20, 2012

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Piss Patch

The wet spot in the crotch area of a guy's pants when he rushes the process of urination, tucking it back in before fully drained. The resulting after-dribble causes a tell tale wet spot, or Piss Patch.

Dave came out of the bathroom at the party with a Piss Patch on the front of his pants, resulting in the creation of his new nickname, "Piss Patch Boy".

by Timmer Tim Tim January 22, 2014

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tardy patch

If you are too late in keeping the spill of your condom from dripping onto your partner you have a tardy patch! It comes from mustard patch which I heard these cheerleaders back in high school talking about in front of my locker.

Babycakes, I left my tardy patch on your quilt. Sweetie Pie get out of my bed please and go take a bath.

by hexicon September 13, 2006

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Pumpkin Patch

A place plentiful in homosexuals. Meant as an endearing term.

The Castro is a total pumpkin patch.

by iwasunabletothinkofapseudonym January 23, 2010

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The Part of a Womans panties (if equipped) in which a swatch of cotton cloth or patch is placed to meet exactly at the vaginal area, providing a soft surface for the genital area. This part also serves as an absorbing cloth for bodily fluids such as sweat, menstrual period, urine, feces and leftover sperm from the male partner(s).

Girl, I just dirtied my cotton patch with a little pee-pee...

by Deaner Beaner November 25, 2006

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