(Male) A talentless douche who makes a massive amount of money and usually has their job because of a family member or friend. Has tendencies to be a dumbass motherfucker behind the wheel and is slower than shit and inconveniences you when your in a hurry. (Female) A industrial grade whore.
Bob is late for work because a plant worker can’t add and was attempting to buy everything in the convenience store.
To smoke some weed; get high, with everyone around you thinkin your talkin bout actual gardening. Use terms like garden tools (pipes/paraphenielia) Seeds/plants (weed) Gardeners (stoners) Green house (hotbox) And farmers (dealers)
Him: Hey lets plant a garden!
Him2: man are you a fuckin faerie?
Him:Nahh! i mean PLANT A GARDEN smoke some bud!
Him2: Oh werd! lets have a sesh!
Him:ive got the seeds, garden tools and the hoes! ;)
Word to describe tobacco for the younger years. Normally used in schools and also colleges.
"Oi Darren, can you get me some shaz plant? Keep the change"
Being so useless to society while living and able bodied, that you might actually be better off not living anymore. Thus saving resources here on earth for the productive folks, while simultaneously feeding plants with your decomposing remains, ultimately giving your empty life some minuscule value after all…
Christine and Matt are plant food man, they don’t do anything, ever, except maybe for one day and feed some plants with their shitty out of shape bodies….
When one person puts their prolapsed anus inside of another persons anus.
Hey Jill, would you like to go to the house and try Planting A Rose together after we eat at Chipotle?
Plant-Juice is a word that describes any weird looking juice that comes from plant origins.
Morgan drank his Plant-Juice, he said it tasted like a mixture of Orange juice and Mango juice.
are you talking about THE Mr plat by Ashur Gharavi on youtube or something else?
person 1: lets watch "A Day in the Life of Mr Plant"
Person 2: i love the relationship of argos and mr plant
person 1: yes