Poli es una manera hermosa d decir mia politis.
Wow, POLI es una hermosa persona! La amo. Es muy linda y me da mucha risa. ¡Todos queremos ser poli!
A Poli is a beautiful goddess. She represented beauty and creativity. Now it is used as a slang word to call people pretty and smart. Most Polis are in love with Jackson Avery and Derek Shepherd.
Wow! She is such a poli, I want to be with her.
Superb or Super
An expression showing you like or you fancy something.
The cake was Poli.
He is a Poli guy
Originally meant fort or citadel. Later, it was used to refer to the Greek city states.
- “Athens was the most famous polis in Greece!”
Scottish slang: a single police man or woman. Polis is the plural version of this word.
The polis came to my house last night. One poli kept asking me lots of questions about where I'd been the night before.
A Person of Limited Intelligence.
My God, check this retard out, it's a right Poli.
Hey Poli, how does that window taste that you're licking?
I like my women how I like my bread, extra thick, and she's a right Poli.