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The Present

The time right now because yesterday was history and tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift so it is called the present

In the present I am writing this definition right now.

by Cutekittys May 5, 2023

The present

You're always in the present.

Hym "Not to me. By the time the light bounces off you and gets to me you're already in the past... I'm not even in the present most of the time. I'm in the conceptual realm. "

by Hym Iam February 21, 2023

Presentation Hog

Someone who did some of the work, but does most or all of the presenting.

Shirley presented almost all my ideas, she's such a presentation hog!

by hawc November 5, 2009

Hanging Present

A present of food or drink that will help with a hangover

My boyfriend was amazing today i had a really heavy night last night, now im hanging so badly but he came with a hanging present of a bacon sandwich.

by Hungover March 7, 2013


Is the berm form of present

I will presentate today

by Clorox whyps May 3, 2023


When you are about to present something in your class but you forgot that 'present' is in your vocabulary so your brain somehow came up with 'presentate' and you'll witness yourself get lectured by your teacher saying that presentate is not a word. Welp, if any of your teachers said that to you, show this to them. It's a word now. Click, BOOM! (also, bonus points if your classmates also correct you.

"Hello Mr./Ms./Mx. Today, I am going to presentate my slides for the topic (insert random topic here). (presents their presentation). Thank you for listening."
Some random person: "It's not 'presentate', it's 'present'."
"Wow, that was a great presentation. But fyi, it's 'present' not 'presentate'. You should learn how to say 'present' correctly."

by Shoyo Hinata was here y'all May 25, 2021


When a child forgets how to say “present” so they say this word instead because of their lack of vocabulary.

“Okay guys, I am going to presentate my project.. w-wai-wait a minute....... oh sh-

by I can’t find my own name April 1, 2021