A hysterical or horribly unfunny (depending on your sense of humor) way of referring to the Coronavirus.
Jarrison: I went to get tested yesterday and luckily I tested negative for the Heineken Virus!
Clovers: Wow! I feel so healthy standing 6 feet away from you!
The Fezi Virus is a contagious virus primarily prevalent amongst brown guys. Emotionally-stable girls unfortunately attract this virus, causing them to behave obsessively with creepy and pathetic tendencies.
Oh no, looks like you caught The Fezi Virus. Quick, bathe yourself in bleach! Kill yourself before they kill you! May the Lord be with you.
The homie virus is when you love your homies so much you fuck them and get HIV from the homies. Making it the homie virus. *Can only be obtained by banging a try homie*
Dang bro. You hear about those two homies Kyle and Stan. Yea, they got that Homie Virus
The disease where a bored worker claims to feel sick and feverish despite appearing healthy. This person suggests it would be better for everyone if he or she just went home for the next 10 weeks. Derived from "counterfeit"
Jake, that little SOB, went home. He claimed he was sick, but I think it was just a case of the coronafeit virus.
When you shit all the next day because you had too much to drink the night before due to coronavirus.
Dude I drank an extra bottle of red last night and now I'm shitting so much I think I have colon(a)virus.
A Internet virus spread by Matthew Quinn
"Omg! I think my computer has the Quinta Virus!"
BobFirst the Corona virus now the yara virus