A younger individual from a gang, typically a younger crib gang member.
“Keep talking I’ll have my tiny loc come squabble you down”.
A nickname a guy gets when he has such small dick that it can't ever get hard because it is too tiny. When a girl runs into a tiny Toni they want to get out of the situation immediately and never talk to the guy again. Typically a sign of a Tiny Toni is when they act like a complete asshole to everyone for no reason, because they are sexually frustrated with how small their dick is.
When the girl tried to give the guy a handy, she realized her small hands were too big to doing anything with it, so she identified him as Tiny Toni.
A soggy fetus that gets carried in rocket league
You’re trash it’s almost like you’re a tiny chipotle
A person who steals small amounts of change. Typically denies stealing but change is always missing when they're around, and they always have change.
I think that tiny spoon stole my change. That kid is sketchy they're probably a tiny spoon.
4👍 1👎
One who is the god at running Siege servers and scripting
"a tiny fishie is a godlike scripter"
15👍 9👎
A 13 year old video game charecter girl who lost her parents and and work with Roughlen from the Crimson raiders.
My favorite character in Borderlands 2 is Tiny Tina because she like to blow stuff up and her missions are alyaws have explosion.
7👍 4👎