The day where the popular light novel series shinyaku toaru majutsu no index's anima adaptation gets announced
Can't wait for NT anime to be announced tomorrow
Commonly used as an excuse for Cheesur's laziness and lying compulsion towards his "core" community.
"My life sucks so much, streaming tomorrow on my mothers life"
"Still feeling sick, banger tomorrow"
"Had to bring Teddy to the vet, stream tomorrow promise"
Tomorrow is often described as Cheesurs favorite word to deflect on his laziness to his community, when in reality, "tomorrow never occurs".
"My life sucks, banger tomorrow"
"Longer stream tomorrow, I promise"
"My life is so hard, i'll stream tomorrow"
Something you either fear or yearn for. It will come regardless of if you studied for your test, prepared for your presentation, hid the body properly or slept enough. It usually comes faster at times you least want it to, yet takes its time when you desire it.
Joe: I can't wait for tomorrow!
Tomorrow: Oh you will.
Yeah, no, I knew you were going to do that. The 4th condition has been added.
Hym "Yeah, I gotta watch this trial thing. I'll be there tomorrow."
A lie that people say when they don’t what you to see or have something to hide.