Something some woman said on TV that means ‘tough shit’ and then like 1/5 of Australia started saying it, and as a child I didn’t know what a titty was, of course, so in like grade 4 I said it to one of my Teachers and it sparked mass confusion.
Teacher: ‘sit over here’
Me: ‘I don’t want to’
Teacher: ‘why won’t you go sit over there and behave’
Me: ‘because I don’t want to, tough titties’
In old Texan it means, "It's not that bad", "It could be worse", or "Make the best of it."
The saying in Texas that's been around for generations goes, "Tough titty said the kitty, but the milk's still good."
The titty may not be perfect, but you've got milk so stop complaining.
Son: "They messed up my order and put mayonnaise on my burger."
Dad: "Well, son...tough titty...scrape it off and eat the rest of it."
When it is very difficult to get into a club, the "doors are tough" or "serious" meaning either that you will not be let in without an ID or that you have to be incredibly hott or look like a model (or terribly rich if you're a guy)
Please refrain from bringin the fat chicks to this club in soho 'cause they have tough doors. Bring co co instead
When someone has no or very little money
Also known as ‘tough times’
Common phase used by persons called Leroy or most with no money
P1: Hey, do you want to go out tonight?
P2:Sorry I can’t.
P1: Why?
P2: Times are tough round.
When one is afraid to walk up to someone because they are afraid to get hurt
Person 1:Hey look theres tough stuff.
Person 2: lets walk the opposite way so i dont get another concussion.
Is a person that resembles a turtle and thinks he/she is tough as well.
Hey! Stop being a tough turt!
An expression that shows just how unfortunate your situation is.
It’s the equivalent of saying, down on your luck but with more of an edge.
It is a little better than saying oof when hearing some bad news.
Just imagine someone’s having a terrible day, instead of saying, “Dang, that sucks bro.”
Say instead: “Sounds like you’ve had a tough cut, dude.”
“Yo! no cap but I really think that kid just got knocked out by the dodgeball.”
“Really? Wow, tough cut. a ahaha.”