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The Transition Drill

A very advanced sexual maneuver wherein the male partner receives a blumpkin while squatting over the woman's chest. As the stool drops (loose stool is preferable), the male transitions to the mexican chili dog. With climax approaching, he transitions to a hasty dirty sanchez and finishes with a transition to the strawberry shortcake. (Note: it is equally acceptable to complete the maneuver with a sad clown.)

"Dude, how did it go last night?"

"Man, she wouldn't go for the blumpkin, so I couldn't execute the transition drill. It was still pretty hot though."

by jeffc1911 September 23, 2009

passage of transit

A place in a bar or other where chicks or guys will pass by your location for your appraisal.

Passage of transit. The table nearest the restroom door where alcohol induced trips will be taken. Or any public location where a high proportion of the opposite sex will pass you by.

by androo1976 December 25, 2008

transition sex

Sex between two people transitioning into platonic friends or visa versa.

transition sex

by Savoir faire July 6, 2015

transition fluid

What we used to call Bud Light.

Dude, are you drinking Dylan Mulvaney's transition fluid?!

by Freshly peeled eyeballs June 9, 2023

Transitional Justice

Transitional justice refers to the ways countries emerging from periods of conflict and repression address large-scale or systematic human rights violations so numerous and so serious that the normal justice system will not be able to provide an adequate response

2020 is the year for Transitional Justice, and change!

by qawsedrftgyhujigfcu November 6, 2020

Things to hate if you use Winnipeg Transit

1. Busses that are early

2. Busses that are late
3. Busses that are on time

4. Busses that go fast

5. Busses that go slow

6. Transit operators who stop for a coffee

7. Transit operators that use the bathroom

8. Transit operators in general

9. Winnipeg Transit

10. Rain

11. Snow

12. Wind

13. weather in general
14. Winnipeg transit again

15. People who sit in seats

16. People who stand
17. People
18. Busses

19. Bus fare
20. Bus stops
21. Bus benches

22. Bus seats
23. Bus windows
24. Busses

25. People

26. Transit operators again

27. Winnipeg Transit
28. Probably yourself too

What are the specific things to hate if you use Winnipeg Transit?
“Oh let me tell you…”

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 11, 2023

Cold water Transition

Sudden shocking transition.
Transition to the complete opposite.

Being happy right now and suddenly feeling a strong sense if sadness is a cold water transition.

by xxRosey May 30, 2020