a reaction statement to pretty much anything, but most commonly in gossip, judging another
woof can also be a form of agreement, disagreement, and can also be used in a complementary sense
The word is usually stated just how it reads in a different tone, though sometimes it may be said in an actual bark
"Have you heard what horrible decisions Liv is making with her life?!"
"What do you think of this outfit?"
"They broke up because he wanted alone time even though they’re thousands of miles apart and I just saw a picture of him with his ex-girlfriend"
"Can we facetime right now?"
"It might be time to get off of Instagram"
"This* politician is in my town"
"Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin"
A very sexy human being. He/she have to be lightskin. And has to have Y in their name.
A furry or pick me girl.
Makenzie you are a woof woof girl.
That girl was trying to be edgy, such a woof woof girl
The classy way of asking someone for a Cleveland Steamer.
Kind gentleman, would you do me a great honor and woof me.
A cute way of asking someone for sex.
Christy: "Who's my good gurl? ;)"
Madelyn: "Woof meeeeee 🐶"
Christy: "Okaay finee, I'll be right over"